The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
Tha an decanter bitumen a chaidh a thoirt a-mach leis a ’chompanaidh againn furasta obrachadh agus a chuir a-steach: Tha an tanca air a roinn ann an dà sheòmar, tha am pàirt àrd air a uidheamachadh le coil teasachaidh, bidh an siostam uisgeachaidh a’ putadh a ’bhucaid bitumen aon ri aon, agus tha am bitumen air a leaghadh le teasachadh. Tha an ola teirmeach as ìsle air a theasachadh gus leantainn air adhart a ’leaghadh nan bitumen, agus an uairsin air a phumpadh a-mach airson a chleachdadh. Faodar an decanter bitumen a thoirt a-steach don phasgan airson a ghiùlan. Bidh a ’chompanaidh againn cuideachd a’ dèanamh inneal leaghaidh bloc (poca), cantilever cran ...
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
Tha an decanter bitumen a chaidh a thoirt a-mach leis a ’chompanaidh againn furasta obrachadh agus a chuir a-steach: Tha an tanca air a roinn ann an dà sheòmar, tha am pàirt àrd air a uidheamachadh le coil teasachaidh, bidh an siostam uisgeachaidh a’ putadh a ’bhucaid bitumen aon ri aon, agus tha am bitumen air a leaghadh le teasachadh. Tha an ola teirmeach as ìsle air a theasachadh gus leantainn air adhart a ’leaghadh nan bitumen, agus an uairsin air a phumpadh a-mach airson a chleachdadh. Faodar an decanter bitumen a thoirt a-steach don phasgan airson a ghiùlan. Bidh a ’chompanaidh againn cuideachd a’ dèanamh inneal leaghaidh bloc (poca), cantilever cran ...
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
Tha an decanter bitumen a chaidh a thoirt a-mach leis a ’chompanaidh againn furasta obrachadh agus a chuir a-steach: Tha an tanca air a roinn ann an dà sheòmar, tha am pàirt àrd air a uidheamachadh le coil teasachaidh, bidh an siostam uisgeachaidh a’ putadh a ’bhucaid bitumen aon ri aon, agus tha am bitumen air a leaghadh le teasachadh. Tha an ola teirmeach as ìsle air a theasachadh gus leantainn air adhart a ’leaghadh nan bitumen, agus an uairsin air a phumpadh a-mach airson a chleachdadh. Faodar an decanter bitumen a thoirt a-steach don phasgan airson a ghiùlan. Bidh a ’chompanaidh againn cuideachd a’ dèanamh inneal leaghaidh bloc (poca), cantilever cran ...
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
Tha an decanter bitumen a chaidh a thoirt a-mach leis a ’chompanaidh againn furasta obrachadh agus a chuir a-steach: Tha an tanca air a roinn ann an dà sheòmar, tha am pàirt àrd air a uidheamachadh le coil teasachaidh, bidh an siostam uisgeachaidh a’ putadh a ’bhucaid bitumen aon ri aon, agus tha am bitumen air a leaghadh le teasachadh. Tha an ola teirmeach as ìsle air a theasachadh gus leantainn air adhart a ’leaghadh nan bitumen, agus an uairsin air a phumpadh a-mach airson a chleachdadh. Faodar an decanter bitumen a thoirt a-steach don phasgan airson a ghiùlan. Bidh a ’chompanaidh againn cuideachd a’ dèanamh inneal leaghaidh bloc (poca), cantilever cran ...