Organicum calor est calor conduction carrier societas nostra sit produci fornacem oleum, et calidus aer dividitur in genus vulgares genus. Quod lux non habens turibulum oleum, oleum et naturalis Gas Gas. Et boiler ex calidum aerem genus adhibet ad RELICTUM calor a LANUGO Gas calor aerem in combustione, qua potest reducere temperatus in exhauriunt Gas, ita est calor damnum de exhauriunt Gas potest esse circa VII%, sic boiler efficientiam est de XC %.
Organicum calor est calor conduction carrier societas nostra sit produci fornacem oleum, et calidus aer dividitur in genus vulgares genus. Quod lux non habens turibulum oleum, oleum et naturalis Gas Gas. Et boiler ex calidum aerem genus adhibet ad RELICTUM calor a LANUGO Gas calor aerem in combustione, qua potest reducere temperatus in exhauriunt Gas, ita est calor damnum de exhauriunt Gas potest esse circa VII%, sic boiler efficientiam est de XC %.
Organicum calor est calor conduction carrier societas nostra sit produci fornacem oleum, et calidus aer dividitur in genus vulgares genus. Quod lux non habens turibulum oleum, oleum et naturalis Gas Gas. Et boiler ex calidum aerem genus adhibet ad RELICTUM calor a LANUGO Gas calor aerem in combustione, qua potest reducere temperatus in exhauriunt Gas, ita est calor damnum de exhauriunt Gas potest esse circa VII%, sic boiler efficientiam est de XC %.
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
Bitumen decanter ex nostris facile operari niteremur, lacus est in gazofilacia in superioribus instructa calefiat gyro hydrau ratio pellat undantis bitumine situla singillatim et bitumen laxantur calefactio. In scelerisque minus oleum calescat in pergere ad conflandum bitumen egerit, cuius est exantlaretur ex tunc ad uti. Et ingressus est continens multos bituminis itaque decanter potest translationem. Noster comitatu etiam obstructionum (peram) mollitie fabrica, cran cantilever ...
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
Bitumen decanter ex nostris facile operari niteremur, lacus est in gazofilacia in superioribus instructa calefiat gyro hydrau ratio pellat undantis bitumine situla singillatim et bitumen laxantur calefactio. In scelerisque minus oleum calescat in pergere ad conflandum bitumen egerit, cuius est exantlaretur ex tunc ad uti. Et ingressus est continens multos bituminis itaque decanter potest translationem. Noster comitatu etiam obstructionum (peram) mollitie fabrica, cran cantilever ...
Bitumen decanter ex nostris facile operari niteremur, lacus est in gazofilacia in superioribus instructa calefiat gyro hydrau ratio pellat undantis bitumine situla singillatim et bitumen laxantur calefactio. In scelerisque minus oleum calescat in pergere ad conflandum bitumen egerit, cuius est exantlaretur ex tunc ad uti. Et ingressus est continens multos bituminis itaque decanter potest translationem. Noster comitatu etiam obstructionum (peram) mollitie fabrica, cran cantilever ...
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
Bitumen decanter ex nostris facile operari niteremur, lacus est in gazofilacia in superioribus instructa calefiat gyro hydrau ratio pellat undantis bitumine situla singillatim et bitumen laxantur calefactio. In scelerisque minus oleum calescat in pergere ad conflandum bitumen egerit, cuius est exantlaretur ex tunc ad uti. Et ingressus est continens multos bituminis itaque decanter potest translationem. Noster comitatu etiam obstructionum (peram) mollitie fabrica, cran cantilever ...