Ko te rongoa rokiroki wera i whakaputaina e ta maatau kamupene, kua wehea ki te momo tiaki taiao me te momo noa: Ka taea te whakarite ki nga tipu miihini 80t / h-480t / h, me te rōrahi ka taea te whakarite i runga i nga whakaritenga a te kaihoko. Ko te rōrahi o te 160 miriona me raro iho ka uru ki te waka kawe. Kua pai haere to taatau kamupene i te mahi whakaputa mo te rokiroki wera wera mo nga tau maha, me te tino pono. ...
Ko te miihini bitumen e whakaputaina ana e ta maatau kamupene he ngawari ki te whakahaere me te whakauru: Kua wehea te tank ki nga ruma e rua, ko te waahanga o runga kei te kapi whakawera, ko te punaha hydraulic e pana ana i te peeke bitumen tetahi, a ka rewa te bitumen na te wera. Ko te hinu o te waipiro iti kei te mahana kia mau tonu i te bitumen, katahi ka werohia kia whakamahia. Ko te taakete bitumen ka uru ki te ipu hei kawe. Ka whakaputahia hoki e ta taatau kamupene te poraka reanga (putea), te cantilever ...
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
Ko te rongoa rokiroki wera i whakaputaina e ta maatau kamupene, kua wehea ki te momo tiaki taiao me te momo noa: Ka taea te whakarite ki nga tipu miihini 80t / h-480t / h, me te rōrahi ka taea te whakarite i runga i nga whakaritenga a te kaihoko. Ko te rōrahi o te 160 miriona me raro iho ka uru ki te waka kawe. Kua pai haere to taatau kamupene i te mahi whakaputa mo te rokiroki wera wera mo nga tau maha, me te tino pono. ...
Ko te rongoa rokiroki wera i whakaputaina e ta maatau kamupene, kua wehea ki te momo tiaki taiao me te momo noa: Ka taea te whakarite ki nga tipu miihini 80t / h-480t / h, me te rōrahi ka taea te whakarite i runga i nga whakaritenga a te kaihoko. Ko te rōrahi o te 160 miriona me raro iho ka uru ki te waka kawe. Kua pai haere to taatau kamupene i te mahi whakaputa mo te rokiroki wera wera mo nga tau maha, me te tino pono. ...
The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type:
The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%.
Technical Parameters:
Rated Power
Applicable fuel
Ko te tipu bitumen e whakaputaina ana e ta maatau kamupene he kotahi te hinu matua, kotahi te wai wera wera, e rua nga taapiri waipuna whakauru, kotahi tanki bitumen, tetahi tanki bitumen (he whakamahinga whakawhiti), kotahi te papu tere bitumen, kotahi te papu tere emulsion tere , kotahi mira, kotahi te papu tuuturu mana tuku me tetahi ruma hiko hiko. Tae atu ki te raina whakawera hinu wera e hono ana, te raina whakawhiti miihini, te raina whakawhiti emulsion. Kua wehea te tipu emoteion ...
Ko te tipu bitumen e whakaputaina ana e ta maatau kamupene he kotahi te hinu matua, kotahi te wai wera wera, e rua nga taapiri waipuna whakauru, kotahi tanki bitumen, tetahi tanki bitumen (he whakamahinga whakawhiti), kotahi te papu tere bitumen, kotahi te papu tere emulsion tere , kotahi mira, kotahi te papu tuuturu mana tuku me tetahi ruma hiko hiko. Tae atu ki te raina whakawera hinu wera e hono ana, te raina whakawhiti miihini, te raina whakawhiti emulsion. Kua wehea te tipu emoteion ...
Ko te miihini bitumen e whakaputaina ana e ta maatau kamupene he ngawari ki te whakahaere me te whakauru: Kua wehea te tank ki nga ruma e rua, ko te waahanga o runga kei te kapi whakawera, ko te punaha hydraulic e pana ana i te peeke bitumen tetahi, a ka rewa te bitumen na te wera. Ko te hinu o te waipiro iti kei te mahana kia mau tonu i te bitumen, katahi ka werohia kia whakamahia. Ko te taakete bitumen ka uru ki te ipu hei kawe. Ka whakaputahia hoki e ta taatau kamupene te poraka reanga (putea), te cantilever ...
Ko te tipu bitumen e whakaputaina ana e ta maatau kamupene he kotahi te hinu matua, kotahi te wai wera wera, e rua nga taapiri waipuna whakauru, kotahi tanki bitumen, tetahi tanki bitumen (he whakamahinga whakawhiti), kotahi te papu tere bitumen, kotahi te papu tere emulsion tere , kotahi mira, kotahi te papu tuuturu mana tuku me tetahi ruma hiko hiko. Tae atu ki te raina whakawera hinu wera e hono ana, te raina whakawhiti miihini, te raina whakawhiti emulsion. Kua wehea te tipu emoteion ...
Ko te tanki bitumen momo hanga e ta maatau kamupene he pai mo te rokiroki me te kawenga bitumen: me te nui o te 55 mita mita whatianga, ka taea te whakarite me te whakauruhia me nga kaihopu. He tino watea mo te neke me te kawe i te tuutuu te tank type bitumen tank. Ko te ipu bitumen ipu ka taea te hanga ki te wera hei whakahaere i te whakawera o te hinu, te whakawera hiko, te whakawera ranei e nga kaipatu. I te wa e whakamahia ana nga taangata maha i te wa kotahi, ko te paipa i mua i te tank ca ...