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Horúcovodný kotol na horúcu vodu

Teplovodný kotol na horúcu vodu s horúcou rúrou - výrobcovia, továreň, dodávatelia z Číny

  • Cheap price Oil Fired Hot Air Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Ordinary type – Jianeng

    Cheap price Oil Fired Hot Air Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Ordinary type – Jianeng

    Asfaltová karafa vyrábaná našou spoločnosťou sa ľahko ovláda a inštaluje: nádrž je rozdelená do dvoch miestností, horná časť je vybavená vyhrievacou špirálou, hydraulický systém tlačí bitúmenovú vedro jednu po druhej a bitúmen sa roztopením zahrieva. Spodný tepelný olej sa zahrieva, aby pokračoval v tavení bitúmenu, a potom sa odčerpá na použitie. Asfaltový dekantér sa môže preniesť do kontajnera na prepravu. Naša spoločnosť tiež vyrába blok (taška), taviace zariadenie, konzolové cran ...
  • Hot Sale for Solid Fuel Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    Hot Sale for Solid Fuel Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type: The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%. Technical Parameters: Model Rated Power Applicable fuel Size YYW-350Y.Q 350kw...
  • Well-designed Thermal Oil Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    Well-designed Thermal Oil Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type: The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%. Technical Parameters: Model Rated Power Applicable fuel Size YYW-350Y.Q 350kw...
  • Super Purchasing for Oil Boiler Hot Water Heater Combinationr - Diathermic oil Boiler-Ordinary type – Jianeng

    Super Purchasing for Oil Boiler Hot Water Heater Combinationr - Diathermic oil Boiler-Ordinary type – Jianeng

    Asfaltová karafa vyrábaná našou spoločnosťou sa ľahko ovláda a inštaluje: nádrž je rozdelená do dvoch miestností, horná časť je vybavená vyhrievacou špirálou, hydraulický systém tlačí bitúmenovú vedro jednu po druhej a bitúmen sa roztopením zahrieva. Spodný tepelný olej sa zahrieva, aby pokračoval v tavení bitúmenu, a potom sa odčerpá na použitie. Asfaltový dekantér sa môže preniesť do kontajnera na prepravu. Naša spoločnosť tiež vyrába blok (taška), taviace zariadenie, konzolové cran ...
  • Factory Promotional Bitumen Melting Machine Capacity - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    Factory Promotional Bitumen Melting Machine Capacity - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type: The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%. Technical Parameters: Model Rated Power Applicable fuel Size YYW-350Y.Q 350kw...
  • Best Price on 4t/H Steam Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    Best Price on 4t/H Steam Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type: The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%. Technical Parameters: Model Rated Power Applicable fuel Size YYW-350Y.Q 350kw...
  • Rapid Delivery for Oil Boiler With Hot Water Coil - Diathermic oil Boiler-Ordinary type – Jianeng

    Rapid Delivery for Oil Boiler With Hot Water Coil - Diathermic oil Boiler-Ordinary type – Jianeng

    Asfaltová karafa vyrábaná našou spoločnosťou sa ľahko ovláda a inštaluje: nádrž je rozdelená do dvoch miestností, horná časť je vybavená vyhrievacou špirálou, hydraulický systém tlačí bitúmenovú vedro jednu po druhej a bitúmen sa roztopením zahrieva. Spodný tepelný olej sa zahrieva, aby pokračoval v tavení bitúmenu, a potom sa odčerpá na použitie. Asfaltový dekantér sa môže preniesť do kontajnera na prepravu. Naša spoločnosť tiež vyrába blok (taška), taviace zariadenie, konzolové cran ...
  • Bottom price Oil Boiler And Hot Water Tank - Diathermic oil Boiler-Ordinary type – Jianeng

    Bottom price Oil Boiler And Hot Water Tank - Diathermic oil Boiler-Ordinary type – Jianeng

    Asfaltová karafa vyrábaná našou spoločnosťou sa ľahko ovláda a inštaluje: nádrž je rozdelená do dvoch miestností, horná časť je vybavená vyhrievacou špirálou, hydraulický systém tlačí bitúmenovú vedro jednu po druhej a bitúmen sa roztopením zahrieva. Spodný tepelný olej sa zahrieva, aby pokračoval v tavení bitúmenu, a potom sa odčerpá na použitie. Asfaltový dekantér sa môže preniesť do kontajnera na prepravu. Naša spoločnosť tiež vyrába blok (taška), taviace zariadenie, konzolové cran ...
  • Best quality Oil Fired Hot Oil Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    Best quality Oil Fired Hot Oil Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type: The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%. Technical Parameters: Model Rated Power Applicable fuel Size YYW-350Y.Q 350kw...
  • Well-designed Thermal Oil Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    Well-designed Thermal Oil Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type: The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%. Technical Parameters: Model Rated Power Applicable fuel Size YYW-350Y.Q 350kw...
  • Manufacturing Companies for Oil Hot Water Boiler Reviews - Diathermic oil Boiler-Ordinary type – Jianeng

    Manufacturing Companies for Oil Hot Water Boiler Reviews - Diathermic oil Boiler-Ordinary type – Jianeng

    Asfaltová karafa vyrábaná našou spoločnosťou sa ľahko ovláda a inštaluje: nádrž je rozdelená do dvoch miestností, horná časť je vybavená vyhrievacou špirálou, hydraulický systém tlačí bitúmenovú vedro jednu po druhej a bitúmen sa roztopením zahrieva. Spodný tepelný olej sa zahrieva, aby pokračoval v tavení bitúmenu, a potom sa odčerpá na použitie. Asfaltový dekantér sa môže preniesť do kontajnera na prepravu. Naša spoločnosť tiež vyrába blok (taška), taviace zariadenie, konzolové cran ...
  • Well-designed Thermal Oil Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    Well-designed Thermal Oil Boiler - Diathermic oil Boiler-Hot air type – Jianeng

    The organic heat carrier heat conduction oil furnace produced by our company is divided into ordinary type and hot air type: The burner can be light oil, natural gas or oil gas. The boiler of hot air type uses the residual heat of flue gas to heat the air for combustion, which can reduce the temperature of exhaust gas, so the heat loss of exhaust gas can be used about 7%, so the boiler efficiency is about 90%. Technical Parameters: Model Rated Power Applicable fuel Size YYW-350Y.Q 350kw...
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